WooCommerce Google Product Feed
The WooCommerce Google Product Feed extension allows you to create a real-time feed of your product information to Google Merchant Center. This feed provides Google with the information it needs to set up product ads and surfaces across Google, including Google Shopping, Google Search, and more.
Maximizing Your Online Ad Performance
In today’s digital age, online advertising is one of the most effective ways for businesses to reach their target audience and drive sales. One of the keys to successful online advertising is ensuring that your product information is accurate, complete, and up-to-date. That’s where the WooCommerce Google Product Feed comes in.
With WooCommerce Google Product Feed, store owners can manage their product data, including product title, description, image URL, product type, brand, and more, all in one place. The plugin automatically creates the feed in the proper format, so store owners can be sure their products will display correctly on Google.
Drive more traffic to a store’s website. By having their products listed on Google, store owners can reach a much wider audience and increase the chances of potential customers discovering their products.
Google Product Feed Features
In addition to making it easier for store owners to manage their product data and reach a wider audience, WooCommerce Google Product Feed also offers advanced features such as custom taxonomy, custom attributes, and conditional logic. This allows store owners to further customize their product feed and target specific audiences based on their needs and interests.
Extensive List of Supported Fields
The extension supports 50+ feed attributes, including all mandatory fields, providing the richest possible data to Google. This means that you can supply Google with the information it needs to create highly effective product ads.
Full Control Over Your Ad Setup and Spend
The feed imports product data to Google Merchant Center, but gives you full control over your ad setup and budgets. You have full control over mappings, so you can map existing product data onto Google’s required fields from your site’s taxonomies, attributes, or product fields.
Advanced Capture Data
The plugin provides custom fields for you to enter richer product data that may not be held in WooCommerce. These fields are available to the standard WooCommerce CSV import tool and exposed via the WooCommerce REST API.
Global Store-Wide Defaults
You can set up global store-wide defaults to ease the data-entry burden and provide finer control by setting values per-category or providing product-specific information against products or individual variations.
Real-Time Feed
The feed shows the latest information for your products, ensuring that your product information is always up-to-date.
Integrates with Common WooCommerce Plugins
The WooCommerce Google Product Feed integrates with a wide range of WooCommerce extensions, including Product Bundles, Composite Products, Brands, Yith Product Brands, Cost of Goods, Multi-Currency, Min/Max Quantities, and the Product CSV Import Suite.
Product Review Feeds
In addition to the standard feed, the Product Feed pluigin provides a Google Product Review feed that integrates with WooCommerce’s built-in review system. This feed provides search engines with product review and ratings data to display more compelling product ads, including product ratings that can show star ratings on shopping ads and product listings.
Product data fields
The Product Feed extension supports a wide range of product data fields, including core fields such as availability, condition, description, ID, image links, link, price, sale price, title, and more. It also supports rich data fields such as brand, color, energy efficiency class, gender, google product category, material, product type, size, and more.
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