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Advanced Database Cleaner Pro

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $3.99.

  • Original Product for Cheap Price
  • 100% Clean Files from Virus
  • Untouched & Unmodified Files
  • Unlimited Website Usage
  • Updated Regularly (Last Version)
  • Product Version: 3.2.8
  • Product Last Updated: 10.02.2024
  • License: GPL

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WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner Pro

If you’ve been using WordPress for a while, you may have noticed your database becoming cluttered with outdated and unnecessary data such as old revisions, orphaned post meta, spam comments, and more. This can cause your site to slow down and become bloated, ultimately affecting its performance. But with WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner Pro, you can easily clean up your database, optimize it, and improve your site’s speed and performance.

Features and Benefits

  1. Delete Old Data. The plugin allows you to delete old revisions of posts and pages, auto drafts, trash posts, and various types of comments, including pending, spam, and trash comments, pingbacks, and trackbacks. This ensures that only relevant and up-to-date data is stored in your database, resulting in improved website speed and performance.
  2. Delete Orphan Metadata. With Advanced Database Cleaner Pro, you can delete orphan post metadata, comment metadata, user metadata, term metadata, and relationships. Remove unnecessary data that’s no longer linked to any post or page on your site, further optimizing your database.
  3. Display and View Orphaned Information. Before making any changes to your database, you can view all orphaned items and information related to them. This ensures that you only delete what’s necessary and relevant, without accidentally deleting any important data.
  4. Search and Filter all items based on their names or values. This makes it easy to find specific data and clean up your database efficiently.
  5. Schedule Cleanup Tasks. You can schedule database cleanups to run automatically at regular intervals.  Automating ensures your database is always clean and optimized.
  6. Optimize and Repair Database Tables. Advanced Database Cleaner Pro can optimize and repair corrupted database tables, helping to improve database performance and speed.
  7. Display Options List of all options stored in your WordPress database, including option name, value, size, and autoload.
  8. Clean and Delete Database Tables that are no longer needed. This further optimizes your database and helps to free up space.
  9. Multisite Support allows you to clean up and optimize all sites from one place. Only the main site can view, clean, and optimize the entire network, ensuring that your database is protected and secure.
  10. User-Friendly Interface makes it easy for anyone to optimize their WordPress database, even if they have no prior experience.

Deep Cleaning with Pro Features

The Pro version of Advanced Database Cleaner builds on the features of the free version and offers even more powerful tools for deep cleaning your WordPress database.

Some of the additional features include the ability to classify options, tables, and cron tasks according to their “creator” (plugins, themes, or WP core), detect and delete orphan options, tables, and cron jobs, and search and filter options, tables, and cron tasks based on several criteria such as the name, creator, or value.

  • Option Classification: You can now classify options according to their “creator,” whether they are plugins options, themes options, or WP core options.
  • Orphan Option Detection: “wp_options” table may contain numerous orphaned options, impacting the performance of loading data from it and slowing down your website. The Pro version can detect and clean up these orphaned options for a more streamlined database.
  • Table Classification allows you to classify tables according to their “creator,” whether they are plugins, themes, or WP core tables.
  • Orphan Table Detection. As with options, you may have orphaned tables created by plugins and themes you no longer use. Advanced Database Cleaner Pro can detect and clean up these orphaned tables, reducing the size of your database.
  • Cron Task Classification. You can classify all cron tasks (cron jobs) based on their “creator,” whether they are plugins cron tasks, themes cron tasks, or WP core tasks.
  • Orphan Cron Job Detection. After you uninstall a plugin or theme, some of its cron tasks may still be active, resulting in WordPress calling unknown functions.
  • Advanced Filtering. You can now search and filter options, tables, and cron tasks based on several criteria, such as the name, creator, and value. This feature makes it easier to locate specific items and clean them up quickly and efficiently.

Potential Drawbacks

While the Advanced Database Cleaner plugin is an excellent tool for keeping your WordPress database clean and optimized, it is important to be aware of a few potential drawbacks. The plugin can be a bit overwhelming for users who are not familiar with database management. However, the user-friendly interface and helpful documentation make it easy to learn how to use.

Another potential drawback is that the plugin does not automatically differentiate between important and unimportant data. This means that it is up to the user to carefully review the data that the plugin suggests deleting, to ensure that no important information is accidentally removed. For example, making backup of your database before any cleanup is always a good idea, as it allows to restore data in case anything goes wrong.


Over-optimization is a common issue when using any optimization tool, including WP-Optimize, WP-Rocket, Advanced DB Cleaner. Over-optimization happens when you clean your database excessively, leading to potential data loss or reduced website functionality.

While the WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner Pro plugin is an excellent tool to optimize your database, it is crucial to use it wisely to avoid over-optimization. To prevent over-optimization, it is recommended to take regular backups of your database before performing any cleanup tasks. This way, you can easily restore your database in case of data loss.

Another way to avoid over-optimization is to use the plugin’s features wisely. For example, the plugin allows you to schedule cleanup tasks at regular intervals. While this feature can be helpful, it is recommended to schedule tasks carefully to avoid cleaning much data too often.

Furthermore, the plugin’s deep cleaning features should be used with caution. These features allow you to delete orphaned options, tables, and cron tasks, which can be helpful in optimizing your database. However, it is recommended to only delete data that you are sure is no longer needed to avoid potential data loss or reduced website functionality.

By taking regular backups, and using the plugin’s features with caution, you can optimize your database without compromising its integrity.

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